For my master’s thesis, I’m looking for a 70+ male from England who spent at least the first 30 years of his life in England. The subject of the thesis, summarized in one question: “What was/is growing up (and older) like for people of your age?”

I am looking for a respondent from England, who meets the following criteria set:

  • a 70+ male who spent at least the first 30 years of his life in England.

The interview could be done using Facebook chat, Google Plus or Skype.

The questions concern among other topics: personal biography, views on values and events, and the possible existence of perceived differences between people born in different cohorts. It’s up to the person to be interviewed whether or not he or she wants to answer each question. If you would like to help me out, or know somebody who meets the criteria of the respondents I am looking for, you can send an email to

Wanted: English man (70+) for interview